Thursday, October 3, 2013

2013 AGM in Minneapolis Dazzles JASNA Members

  Mary Tyler Moore Statue in downtown Minneapolis

The oft-cited adage "Minnesota Nice" certainly exemplified the pleasant and memorable time all JASNA participants had at the recent Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Minneapolis in late September.  To honor the 200th anniversary of of Pride and Prejudice, this meeting's theme was Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice...Timeless.  Elvira Casal from the Middle Tennessee Region, gave a well received presentation called "Mothers and Other Strangers: Images of Motherhood in Pride and Prejudice."  Other highlights included talks by plenary speakers John Mullen, Joan Ray, Janine Barchas and a panel from the Emmy-winning video blog series The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. In addition to the traditional Regency promenade and ball, AGM goers could opt to attend a Pride and Prejudice Fashion Show and Tea, participate in a Whist Tournament as well as make bonnets, tams and ribbon headpieces. Tour options included the Sherlock Holmes collection at the University of Minnesota, historic St. Paul with an emphasis on F. Scott Fitzgerald, a Guthrie Theater Backstage Tour, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis Historic Pub Crawl and Tour, Historic Riverfront and Main Street Walking Tour and Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Tour.  Many outstanding speakers from literally all over the world helped JASNA members gain deeper understandings of this "timeless" novel.

Mildred Tilley (l) and Jo Ann Staples (r)
enjoy a pre-banquet "tete a tete" with
"Queen Elizabeth" at the AGM

Costume designer Matthew Lefebvre of Minneapolis' 
GuthrieTheater talks about the fashions of the Regency era.

Model in the Regency Fashion Show
A 19th Century Victoria's Secret Model?
No, a JASNA member brave enough
to model undergarments from the Regency
Period in the JASNA Fashion Show!

Regency Period Antiques from author Candice Hearn's personal
collection included: Georgian and Regency jewelry, scent bottles,
vinaigrettes, purses, glassware, fashion prints, painted silhouettes, 
shoe buckles, quizzing classes, fans and more.

Elegant glass syllabub stand in a period room 
inside the Minnesota Institute of Art

A showy display of fall colors at the 
Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Fall JASNA Meeting: "Performing to Strangers-The Courtship of Darcy and Elizabeth"

You are cordially  invited to JASNA's Fall meeting on Sunday, October 13.  Since this meeting will be held at the Green Hills Public Library instead of in a member's home, please feel free to invite a guest to come along with you.  There will be plenty of room for all!  Please note the slight time change from that of most of JASNA's Sunday meetings. 

Middle TN JASNA Meeting
Lecture by Dr. Elvira Casal
"Performing to Strangers:
The Courtship of Darcy and Elizabeth"

Sunday, Oct. 13 from 2:15 to 4:15 pm
Green Hills Public Library
3701 Benham Ave Nashville, TN 37215
Light Refreshments will be provided
Members are urged to bring a guest!

RSVP to Mildred Tilley at: