Thursday, April 21, 2011

May 1 JASNA Meeting: Discussion of Sense and Sensibility

"But at last a soft, genial morning appeared..."
as spring arrives in
Sense and Sensibility.

Please join us for the spring meeting of the Middle Tennessee JASNA Region on Sunday, May 1 from 2:00-4:00 pm.  The afternoon's program will focus on Sense and Sensibility, a novel published 200 years ago and still loved today!
This meeting will be held at Yvonne Boyer's home. Background/historical information will be provided by Cynthia Trainer followed by a group discussion about the novel led by Caroline Davis. 
Address:  3609 Bowlingate Lane, Nashville 37215
Parking is limited, but you are welcome to park in the driveway.  As always, please bring a treat to share for tea.

Tea and Book Discussion at Belle Meade Plantation

Belle Meade Plantation's Jane Austen Book Club extends a cordial invitation to all those interested in attending  its April 30 meeting. 
3:00 pm - Christine Shih will be speaking about Jane Austen
4:00 pm Tea and book discussion about Jane Austen: A Life
RSVP to Genevieve Joyner, Living History Coordinator at Belle Meade Plantation
by April 26 at 615-356-0501 x 22