Colin Firth's Oscar-nominated performance in "The King's Speech" has renewed interest in Jane Austen's novels as well as the BBC production of "Pride and Prejudice." According to "The Telegraph, "the fact that 'The King's Speech' also reunites him with his Pride and Prejudice co-star Jennifer Ehle, has only served to fuel the Austen revival fever. Backed by the enthusiasm of a new wave of youthful aficionados, and boosted by the internet, the cult of Austen has reached fresh heights in the US and Canada - even though her writings are steeped in the social mores of the English gentry two centuries ago. The Jane Austen fans site on Facebook has more than 278,000 members, up more than 180,000 in the last two months, and far outnumbering those for such other renowned names as Charles Dickens."