Sunday, November 20, 2011

December JASNA Meeting Features Dean Carolyn Dever

Please join us for the next meeting of the Middle Tennessee JASNA Region on
December 11 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.

We are honored to welcome as our speaker Carolyn Dever, Professor of English and Dean of the College of Arts and Science at Vanderbilt University. Dean Dever joined the English Department at Vanderbilt in 2000, and became Dean of the College in June 2008. Her academic specialties are Victorian literature and gender studies, and she recently served as the co-editor of The Cambridge Companion to Anthony Trollope. She will speak to us on the topic of

"Jane Austen and the Art of Persuasion: Forming the Next Generation of Janeites"

The meeting will be hosted by Roberta Maguire at her home at 
217 Kensington Park in Abbottsford.

As always, please bring a treat for tea.
Carolyn Dever
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Vanderbilt University

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tennesseans Enjoy Fort Worth AGM

Mildred Tilley and husband Richard Stewart take a break from Sense and Sensibility lectures to ride the bull at BIlly Bob's in the stockyard area of Ft. Worth! 

Jo Ann and Phil Staples eagerly await the beginning of the AGM's  Regency Ball. 
Their costumes were two of the finest worn by those who opted for a
"Regency look" at the banquet and ball.
Roberta Maguire (left) greets a friend whose pink hat and gown epitomize

All details of the 2012 AGM were special--including the Texas pecan pie and white chocolate
candy dessert that was served at Saturday night's banquet. 
As evident from the photo, the white chocolate candies were specially
made to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the publication of
Sense and Sensibility.

JASNA's October Regency Dinner is a Culinary Sensation!

Nineteen Middle Tennessee JASNA members participated in a sumptuous Regency "feast" on the evening of October 22 at the home of local members, Phil and Jo Ann Staples.  All those who attended, made part of this elegant meal.  As participants arrived, they were treated to a powerpoint display of photos taken at JASNA's 2012 AGM projected on  the Staples' flat-screen television.  For those Middle Tennessee JASNA members who were unable to attend the AGM in Ft. Worth, these photos provided a glimpse into all the scholarship and fun and Texas hospitality which marked this large (more than  600  people) gathering.

Before dinner was served, diners gazed at elegant menus made by Caroline Davis, heard Regency-era music via Phil Staples sound system as well as heard an oral explanation by JoAnn about each course. Every dish was carefully adapted by Jo Ann from a recipe found in a Regency period cookbook. From "soup to nuts," this was an unforgettable meal for all!
(l to r)  Jo Anne Staples, Yvonne Boyer, Roberta
Maguire, Carmen Gherman, Mildred Tilley
and Sharon Hogge look forward to being served!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

An Exciting Halloween Event for 19th Century History and Literature Lovers!

Join historically costumed reenactors as they recreate the funeral of famous Tennessean, businessman, surveyor, Revolutionary War veteran and State Senator, General Daniel Smith.  The recreation will take place in Smith's actual home, Rock Castle, located in Hendersonville, TN.  This event will be conducted by members of the Regency Society of Tennessee.  They will be wearing their black arm bandsand mourning clothes as they gather in the General's house for a recreation of an 1818 memorial service beginning at 1:00 pm.  The funeral will be followed that evening by scary, Halloween storytelling presented by the local storyteller group, "Explorastory."  The storytelling starts at 6 pm and will go until 9 pm with storytellers located at three different locations in progression, at the pavillion, in the cemetery, and the front of the house.

Make plans to attend this Halloween event that has a little something for old and young alike! 
For additional information, be sure to visit:
The Regency Society of Tennessee  
Historic Rock Castle

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Austen Biographer Catherine Reef Comes to Southern Festival of Books

The Southern Festival of Books proudly announces that Catherine Reef, author of Jane Austen: A Life Revealed, will be a featured speaker on Sunday, October 16 from 1:00-2:30  in Room 31 of the Legislative Plaza.  Ms. Reef will sign books afterward in the Signing Colonnade adjacent to War Memorial Auditorium. For more information, click on this link.

Stephanie Barron Writes Another Wonderful Jane Austen Mystery

As a mystery lover as well as a Janeite, I have enjoyed Stephanie Barron's mystery series featuring Jane Austen as an 18th century sleuth for a number of years.  Barron's premise that Austen would have been an exceptional "detective"  because of her uncanny attention to detail and deep understanding of human nature, plays out very well in the entire Jane Austen mystery series.  Moreover, Barron manages to weave into her novels direct quotations from Austen's novels which "melt" the line between Austen the narrator of Pride and Prejudice and the character of Jane Austen in Barron's series.
Jane and the Cantebury Tale is the latest addition to Barron's series; it definitely does not disappoint!  Epigrams from Chaucer's Cantebury Tales mark each chapter in this novel about a mysterious murder which Jane and her brother, Edward, join forces to solve.  Many details about court procedure and 19th century English laws add to the verisimilitude of Jane and the Cantebury Tale.  I highly recommend it.  ---Mildred Tilley (Middle TN JASNA member)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Program: "From Prada to Nada"-A Modern-Day Version of Sense and Sensibility ...with Shoes to Die For!

Summer Middle Tennessee JASNA Meeting
Sunday, Aug. 7 from 2:00-4:00
Where:  Home of Mildred Tilley, 4413 Howell Place, Nashville, 37205
Drinks and light snacks will be provided by the hostess

Monday, July 4, 2011

Exhibit at the Huntington--Revisiting the Regency: England, 1811-1820

If any Middle TN JASNA members are traveling to California this summer, they may wish to visit The Huntington in San Mateo for an exciting exhibit of rare books, mansuscrpts, prints and drawing documenting the Regency period in England.  This exhibit commemorates the 200th anniversary of this age and includes numerous items that depict this "glittering, yet turbulent era."  The exhibit runs from April 23-Aug. 1.  Click here for more detailed information.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Coming Soon! 4th Annual Jane Austen Festival in Louisville--July 9-10

The 4th Annual Jane Austen Festival at beautiful Historic Locust Grove will take place July 9 & 10. Back by popular demand will be the Shoppes of Meryton with many new vendors, and the Regency Style show
and fashion display, the four-course afternoon tea as well as music,entertainment and workshops and the Grand Ball.

New this year:  Ladies Archery Competition, "Cheers for Chawton" play performance, Children's Tea.

Rick Steves Radio Interview--A Proper English Hour: Home, High Tea, and Jane Austen's England

Bill Bryson examines private life during the Victorian age; London guide Britt Lonsdale explains how to enjoy a proper afternoon tea service; and screenwriter Andrew Davies shares his appreciation for the works of Jane Austen, whose books about the gentle folk of rural England were first published 200 years ago.

Penguin Classics Internet Programming Highlights Austen

It's hot outside...the perfect time to pull up to your computer for reading, viewing and listening INDOORS. Penguin Classics "On Air" offers programming that fits this bill quite nicely.  The latest addition to their literary library features Austen scholar William Deresiewicz, author of A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter.  In two Internet programs, Professor Deresiewicz shares his thoughts about a male's perspective on Austen's writing as well as why he thinks Austen fans sometimes harbor misconceptions about Jane Austen's actual social status.  Baby, it's HOT outside, so treat yourself to some AC and lively conversation ideally suited for Janeites.

Click here to view Penguin Classics On Air

Thursday, April 21, 2011

May 1 JASNA Meeting: Discussion of Sense and Sensibility

"But at last a soft, genial morning appeared..."
as spring arrives in
Sense and Sensibility.

Please join us for the spring meeting of the Middle Tennessee JASNA Region on Sunday, May 1 from 2:00-4:00 pm.  The afternoon's program will focus on Sense and Sensibility, a novel published 200 years ago and still loved today!
This meeting will be held at Yvonne Boyer's home. Background/historical information will be provided by Cynthia Trainer followed by a group discussion about the novel led by Caroline Davis. 
Address:  3609 Bowlingate Lane, Nashville 37215
Parking is limited, but you are welcome to park in the driveway.  As always, please bring a treat to share for tea.

Tea and Book Discussion at Belle Meade Plantation

Belle Meade Plantation's Jane Austen Book Club extends a cordial invitation to all those interested in attending  its April 30 meeting. 
3:00 pm - Christine Shih will be speaking about Jane Austen
4:00 pm Tea and book discussion about Jane Austen: A Life
RSVP to Genevieve Joyner, Living History Coordinator at Belle Meade Plantation
by April 26 at 615-356-0501 x 22

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Elvira Casel Presents "The Abduction of Catherine Morland" at Feb 13 Meeting

Middle Tennessee State University English professor and JASNA TN member, Elvira Casal, will present "The Abduction of Catherine Morland" at the upcoming Feb. 13 meeting. In this presentation, Dr. Casal promises to "look at the ways in which the parodies of abduction in Northanger Abbey invite us to look at the connection between controlling a person's boy and controlling a person's story.  Specifically, I look at the ways in which men try to tell women's stories and how Catherine in a sense resists being 'abducted' by either John Thorpe or Henry Tilney's storytelling."

This meeting will be hosted by Christine Shih from 2:00-4:00 pm at her home in Sugartree.  Please bring a treat to share for tea and RSVP directly to Christine at

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Confused About the Arcane English Property Laws in Downton Abbey? Read On!

A recent post on the "AustenBlog" site clearly explains the institution of "entailment.".  To learn more about entailment as it relates to Downton Abbey as well as the novels of Jane Austen, click here.

Fourth Annual Jane Austen Festival in Louisville

held at
1790 National Historic Landmark, Historic Locust Grove (
Louisville, Kentucky
sponsored by
Greater Louisville Region
Jane Austen Society of North America

Event will feature:
  • "Cheer from Chawton" an Austen family theatrical by Karen Eterovich
  • Regency Emporium
  • Regency Style Show
  • Four-Course Afternoon Tea
  • Entertainment-duel between gentlemen, live music, ladies archery competition & more
Grand Ball 
General Admission $10; ball, tea & workshops additional fee.  Reservations begin June 1 at

Please contact Bonny Wise, Regional Coordinator for information about hotels, traveling, etc at

Monday, January 31, 2011

How Colin Firth's triumph has fuelled Jane Austen fever

Colin Firth's Oscar-nominated performance in "The King's Speech" has renewed interest in Jane Austen's novels as well as the BBC production of "Pride and Prejudice." According to "The Telegraph, "the fact that 'The King's Speech' also reunites him with his Pride and Prejudice co-star Jennifer Ehle, has only served to fuel the Austen revival fever. Backed by the enthusiasm of a new wave of youthful aficionados, and boosted by the internet, the cult of Austen has reached fresh heights in the US and Canada - even though her writings are steeped in the social mores of the English gentry two centuries ago. The Jane Austen fans site on Facebook has more than 278,000 members, up more than 180,000 in the last two months, and far outnumbering those for such other renowned names as Charles Dickens."