Chrisitine Shih at Chawton House Library last July for the "New Directions in Austen Studies" Conference |
Program: "Monsters: Perspectives of Jane Austen, Ann Radcliffe and Emily Bronte"
Presenter: Christine Shih
Date and Time: Sunday October 17 from 2:00-4:00 pm
Location: Home of Judy Isaac, 1241 Cliftee Drive, Brentwood, TN
Attendees are encouraged to bring desserts, fruit, scones, tea sandwiches, etc. for High Tea beginning at 2:00 pm
Middle Tennessee JASNA Members will get a special "preview" on October 17 of a paper that Christine Shih has been asked to present at JASNA's Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Portland, Oregon. The following is a synopsis of Christine's paper entitled "Monsters: Perspectives of Jane Austen, Ann Radcliffe and Emily Bronte":
"This essay concentrates on the shared experiences of the three authors Austen, Radcliffe and Emily Bronte. The “monster within their respective creations of
Northanger Abbey,
The Mysteries of Udolpho and
Wuthering Heights was found within each author’s individual family life and brought to the novel with empirically consistent use of characterization. The characters of General Tilney, Signora Laurentini and Heathcliff, along with others, are brought together to describe the striking behavioral interactions with the author and the parental figures in their home life. A larger implication is drawn from the association of these works with many other novels from the eighteenth century to today, with the connection existing in each work to characterizations that describe Borderline Personality Disorder. I utilize an interdisciplinary approach to this essay by drawing from studies in medicine/nursing, diagnostics, philosophy, literature, psychology/psychotherapy and the discipline of parenting."